Wānaka Festival of Colour - Final EDM of the event

The purpose of this final EDM of the 2023 Wānaka Festival of Colour was to wrap up the event neatly, carrying over the excitement and momentum that had been steadily growing throughout the week.

From the launch of the festival onwards, I was producing newsletters weekly (and then several times a week during the festival) with a very quick turnaround period. The content was very much dictated by which shows needed promoting, a decision that often was made, based on sales data, just the day before they needed to be sent out.

Content needed to be vibrant, informative and, ultimately, persuasive and the Mailchimp reports bore testament to the reader engagement with high CTRs and low unsubscribe rates. In post-festival feedback, the newsletter was cited by many of those surveyed as their key method for obtaining festival news and, without fail, we saw an increase in ticket sales in the 24 hour period after a (carefully and strategically timed) newsletter despatch.

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Published on
November 23, 2023