Create an account and start working with Kiwi talent

Unlock New Zealand's largest freelancer marketplace. Create your account and discover a world of opportunity with our job board and comprehensive directory.

Whether you are just starting or are already on your way, we have you covered.

We offer flexible memberships to cater to your business needs no matter where in your business journey you are or how often you plan on hiring freelancers. We offer simple annual memberships or service fee. We don't charge success fees.

Ideal for smaller projects with lower budgets.
AI Job Listing Tool: Create effective project listings using our AI job lister.
AI Matcher: See recommendations on how good a fit a freelancer is given your preferences
Basic Portal Access: Access your own client portal and manage your job listings
Unlimited job listings: Create as many project on our job board as you want throughout the year. Only one a time.
Customer Support: Email support only - Reliable assistance via email for any inquiries.
Business Pro
Ideal for ongoing and larger-scale projects, and freelancers that hire often.
Includes all features of the Basic Plan, plus:
Access to Freelancer Directory: Full access - Extensive access to a wide range of freelance professionals.
Direct Outreach to Freelancer: Unlimited - Directly contact freelancers for more effective communication.
Job Postings (per year): Unlimited - Post as many jobs as you need throughout the year.
Build Your Own Freelancer List: Create your own shortlist of freelancers to save for later.
Review Your Own Shortlist: Flexibility to review and select freelancers that meet your criteria.
Customer Support: Upgraded to Priority Email - Faster and prioritized email support for your queries.
Schedule a call and let our team do the work!
Includes a free year of Business Pro Plan, plus:
Customer Support: Enhanced to Email/Video Call - More personalized support including direct video calls.
Custom Written Project Brief: Provided for each project - Tailored project briefs to accurately match your needs.
Personalized Application Review: Included - Detailed review of freelancer applications for best fit.
Interview Scheduling: Assistance provided - Help in organizing and scheduling interviews with freelancers.
Proposal Feedback: Offered for each project - Professional feedback to refine your project proposals.
Includes a Free Year of Business Pro: Added bonus - Enjoy all the benefits of the Business Pro plan for a year.

Ready to start hiring?


Create a client account

Get started by signing up and going through a quick fire client questionnaire. All the information you provide will be used to streamline the hiring process.


Select your membership

Select what membership suits your needs the best. You are welcome to cancel your plan at any time.


Create your first job listing

After selecting your membership, we will guide you through creating your first job listing on Unicorn Factory. This is the best way to find freelancers for your project.


Review your shortlist and start hiring

Soon after you have posted your project, you will receive requests from freelancers interested in working with you. Simply choose the freelancers you want to interview and hire the one that works best.

Have any questions?

What kind of freelancers can I find on Unicorn Factory?

On Unicorn Factory, you can find freelancers in web design, graphic design, marketing, and writing. There are also experts in photography, video production, and social media management. So, if you need creative or digital services, you'll likely find a freelancer there who can help.

How much does it cost me as a business owner to use Unicorn Factory?

It is currently free to use our job board, we do however have paid upgrades availability that gives you access to additional features on the platform.

How does Unicorn Factory ensure the quality of freelancers in its freelancers?

Every freelancer in our network undergoes a review process that evaluates their past work and experience. We accept only around 20% of the applications we receive, ensuring a high-quality pool of talent. Our network includes freelancers from junior to experienced levels, catering to a variety of project needs and budgets.

How does the job board work?

Our job board is the most popular way for clients to connect with freelancers. Our process to help you find the best freelancer via the job board is simple: first, we will help you generate a high quality job listing that will attract the right kind of freelancer. Once we receive applications, we will add them to a shortlist for you to review. You will then be able to tell us who you would like to connect with and we will make email introductions to those freelancers. From there, the freelancers will reach out to you to schedule a time.

I have never hired a freelancer before: do you offer any support?

For first-time hirers, we offer a service called the Concierge Service, where one member of our team will consult you through each stage of the hiring process. We will start by writing a job listing for you and reaching out to freelancers on your behalf. From there, we will assemble a list of three candidates that we think are best fit given your budget and other requirements. We will schedule a video call with each freelancer, so that you can ask any questions you want. We will also be available to consult you throughout the call. Finally, we will also provide feedback on any proposals and guide you in the right direction. This service is ideal if you want to leverage freelancers in your business long-term but don't have a process yet.