Amplify Kombucha

Amplify Kombucha is a project by MeganWood

Amplify Kombucha - Megan Wood

Amplify Kombucha approached the NZ Herald to produce some sponsored content for them, including a feature spread in Be Well magazine, included in Monday's paper.
Their target market was people who hadn't tried their product before, assuming they wouldn't like it. They planned to send me to Sydney, to tour their factory and I pitched them the idea of taking my mum on the tour, as I knew she had never tried kombucha.
The tour was a lot of fun and the piece was very well recieved by both the client and the audience.
I see this piece of mine as a great example of how sponsored content can be fun, unique and engaging if clients are open to trying new things.

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Published on
May 25, 2023