Various Business Card & Letterhead Projects
With extensive experience in branding, I understand that every element of an organisation's visual identity must work together cohesively to accurately convey the message, mission, and values of the brand. I am passionate about creating stationery that is not only visually stunning but also effectively communicates the essence of the organisation. Collaborating with my clients to bring their vision to life is something that I find incredibly rewarding, and I am committed to ensuring that each and every design I create exceeds their expectations.
SPEAK Speak helps organisations by supporting individuals and groups with people management, speaking and communication skills. The brief was to design a unique logo which clearly represents Speak's business. By designing the 'k' as a stylized open mouth, this simple logo immediately portrays speaking and communication. The light-hearted nature of the design connected well with the target audience.
AURORA DESIGN A unique letterhead and business card set was designed for Aurora Design, a graphic design agency that I used to be a director of. Using an aurora image at the top left corner and positioning the address details along the left edge meant this letterhead was completely unique. A handmade corrugation on the right edge of the business card gives a unique texture which clearly made this card stand out from the rest.
ME SUPPORT ME Support, a charity dedicated to supporting people with myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME), required a rebrand to reflect the growth of the organisation and the move to long covid support. The Florence Nightingale lantern concept was chosen for this branding as she had one of the first recorded cases of ME. During her hospital rounds, Nightingale's lantern was a beacon of hope for her patients. ME Support wants to portray the same beacon of hope for ME sufferers.