Cat Calendar illustration and print design

Published on
February 22, 2024

Within the framework of my diploma program, I was tasked with an engaging project that demanded both artistic flair and technical proficiency – the creation of a thematic calendar. For this task, I chose to create a cat-themed calendar. Embracing a contemporary flat graphic design style, I embarked on a journey of crafting a visually cohesive and aesthetically pleasing calendar that would captivate viewers throughout the year.

The process unfolded primarily through the utilization of industry-standard design tools, Adobe Illustrator and InDesign, where I meticulously designed and illustrated each page. With an eye for detail and a commitment to thematic consistency, I brought the concept to life, ensuring that each month's illustration seamlessly blended with the overarching cat theme.

The flat graphic design style not only added a modern and minimalist aesthetic to the calendar but also allowed the charming and quirky nature of cats to take center stage. Each page was a canvas for creativity, and the thematic cohesion served to elevate the overall visual impact of the calendar.

This project served as a dynamic showcase of my design skills, combining artistic vision with technical proficiency. Upon completion, the cat-themed calendar not only fulfilled the requirements of my diploma but also stood as a testament to my ability to conceptualize, design, and execute a cohesive and visually compelling project using industry-standard design software.

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