Seed The Change | He Kākano Hāpai

Project Thumbail for Seed The Change | He Kākano Hāpai - Bex De Prospo

In this ongoing part-time freelance role, I am responsible for all of the strategic oversight of the impact initiative, Drinkable Rivers ( Drinkable Rivers is working with real-time water quality data to give our waterways a voice. The objective of the project is to use a strategic storytelling focus to create transparency and shared purpose around the challenges facing our urban waterways, and to use this storytelling to support physical remediation efforts to improve them.

My work for Drinkable Rivers has included the definition and implementation of a comms and media strategy, a complete design and build of the Drinkable Rivers website (Squarespace platform), the development and maintenance of a multi-platform social media presence, and the creation of a range of strategic documentation including a full strategic/business plan, ongoing project plans, and supporting documentation for fundraising.

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Published on
May 10, 2024