PowerCo SEO Optimization

Project Thumbail for PowerCo SEO Optimization - Sam Greensted
  • Updated a 20+ page website with SEO best practices, both technical and on-page.
  • Enhanced search engine rankings and attracted a larger, more relevant audience.
  • Improved brand visibility and online performance for Powerco.

With an extensive website consisting of over 20 pages, Powerco enlisted my expertise to optimize their online platform. I integrated SEO best practices, both from a technical and on-page perspective, to ensure that Powerco's website was fully optimized for search engines.

By conducting thorough keyword research, optimizing meta tags, improving site speed, and enhancing overall website structure, I propelled Powerco's digital marketing efforts to new heights.

The implementation of SEO techniques not only enhanced the website's search engine rankings but also attracted a larger and more relevant audience, resulting in increased brand visibility and improved online performance for Powerco.

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Published on
May 21, 2024