Lamington NZ

Project Thumbail for Lamington NZ - Tonya Knight

Services Provided:

  • Website update (Shopify home page creation, menu and website layout redesign)
  • Landing Page Creation (Shopify)
  • Rewards program, review app set up on Shopify
  • Nurturing emails creation and sequence set up (onboarding and abandoned cart emails)
  • MailChimp edit and set up
  • Google review email campaign creation
  • Advice on optimising and increasing sales online

Lamington NZ is known for high-quality merino socks and tights for babies, kids and adults. I was approached by the owner Sarah to help with a range of marketing activities they needed help with at the time. The initial tasks were to create a converting home page, optimise the website's structure and add any Shopify apps to help with increasing sales. After that, I was hired to edit the company's MailChimp and create better systems for generating sales through that platform. I set up a set of onboarding emails and a set of abandoned cart emails. Throughout my dealings with Sarah and the brand manager Abby, I shared my knowledge and provided marketing advice on their website, systems, and other online activities like reviews and social media presence.

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Published on
May 11, 2024