Aye Studios - Ongoing Blog Writing

Aye Studios - Ongoing Blog Writing is a project by Ari Prakash

The Work
Aye Studios is a creative marketing studio that focuses on producing awesome work for awesome businesses. They have a focus on positive social and environmental impact companies. I've been writing for Aye Studios since March 2022, and my work has involved crafting. From SEO to blogging and copywriting, many skills are involved in building a brand tone.

The Results
From starting out writing strict SEO briefs, I've progressed to writing content with more creative freedom. The aim is to make content that tells authentic stories about awe-inspiring companies and their customers. While writing for Aye Studios, I've created engaging content that not only tells a story but garners an audience. One client I've written extensively for is AskNicely. AskNicely is a champion of the frontline experience and supports frontline workers and service businesses through their innovative software.

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Published on
May 25, 2023