Real Estate

Project Thumbail for Real Estate - Sutharsan AB


Pulsebay had the ideal opportunity to work with growing real estate agencies in New Zealand that were eager to expand and had ambitious plans for making a difference among the competition. We have worked with clients in all sectors of real estate, including residential, commercial, land, lease, and rental properties.


In real estate, you snooze, you lose and online presence matters a lot more than anything. We at Pulsebay, gladly took on this challenge.

Real Estate CRM
The majority of our clients used a CRM system to easily manage their listings and client communication. The most common real estate platforms we have come across are Rex, Get Palace, and Rate My Agent. While this is excellent software, it did not integrate easily with any website platforms.

Design and Speed
Real estate design challenges include visually appealing designs, video home pages, and high-resolution images. The challenge of speed comes with the design. You cannot afford to have a website that loads high-resolution images slowly. The speed and predictive search results on property was also a major consideration.

SEO and Analytics
When it comes to real estate marketing, views, impressions, and engagement rates are very important. Our focus was to have top notch SEO that supports every marketing activity that will be carried out on these sites in the future.


When it comes to building custom websites with unlimited opportunities for enhancement and building integrations, Wordpress was a clear choice. These sites feature an easy-to-use backend for managing blogs and other changing information.

Custom Integrations
We built custom plugins that would connect easily with Rex, Rate My Agent, and Get Palace. All real estate data, agent data, ratings, and other important information are added to the website in an orderly manner by using a timely fetch.

We chose Amazon EC2 servers, Elastic Search, and the best in class site security to achieve speed, search, and security. We consistently rank higher in search engine results for our real estate sites, and our site speed results are among the best.

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Published on
May 21, 2024