BeeLonging Rebranding

BeeLonging Rebranding is a project by MelanieSharpe

BeeLonging is a small, holistic boutique bee-keeping business based in the south coast of New South Wales.

The company began in 2018 as a bit of an experiment, at this point using stock images and logos. As the company grew, so did the need for branding that reflected their values (community based, holistic education) and status (mid-range market).

The business owner had a vague idea for a logo, but no direction on the overall branding style or presentation. Together we discussed [with the help of a completed client questionnaire] the company's values ethos, and preferred styles of presentation. He wanted the branding to feel masculine yet approachable.

Over the course of four weeks, with a number of opportunities for client review, we refined the details of the branding. One very happy client was presented with a complete branding package - with the addition of some illustrated social media advertising for specific services.

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Published on
May 25, 2023