
Project Thumbail for Mooringbnb - Pete Kershaw
Mooringbnb is a service designed to streamline the rental process of moorings and berths for both boaties and owners.

The Problem: For boaties sailing around New Zealand, finding a suitable mooring or berth to rent can be challenging. This issue is similarly problematic for owners looking to rent out their moorings or berths.

The Solution: Our platform offers boaties a variety of mooring and berth options that they can book instantly. It also enables owners to manage these bookings with ease.

The Process: I started with a minimum viable product, focusing on building just enough to present to mooring and berth owners. The feedback received was crucial in determining the essential features for owners. A similar approach was then applied for boaties. The application is continuously developed as it evolves.

Technology Stack: The application was built using Next.js, a framework for creating full-stack ReactJS web applications. It stores data in MongoDB and integrates with several services:
  • Auth0 for user management
  • Stripe for payment processing
  • Mapbox for displaying moorings and berths on a map
  • Amazon Simple Email Service for sending emails
  • Vercel for application deployment and hosting

The Outcome: Mooringbnb is now actively used by owners and boaties throughout New Zealand.
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Published on
May 21, 2024