Tips & Tricks
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Crafting your perfect workday: A freelancer's guide to time management

One of the best things about going out on your own as a freelancer is that you get to set your own hours. You can grab a long lunch with a friend whenever you like, or you can take a break and head to the beach to soak up the sun. At least that’s what people think a freelancer’s day looks like. In reality? Not so much.

Written by
Vicky Harland
Published on
November 24, 2023

Instead of taking an extended lunch break, you’re stuffing gummy bears into your mouth while you try to get through your overwhelming to-do list. Instead of hitting the beach, you’re drowning in a sea of post-it notes from your last three client meetings. With so much going on, it’s hard to be productive. You’re spiralling out of control, and you have the distinct sense that you’re missing something important. But what can you do?

Luckily, we’ve put together some freelancer time management tips that actually work so you can not only manage your time more effectively but also feel confident and in control.

1. Tune into your internal clock

Have you ever wondered why some days your tasks seem so effortless, but other days it’s like slogging through mud to get them done? That might be because you’re working on the wrong things at the wrong time. 

Everyone has certain times of the day when they’re more creative or more drained. By observing your energy levels for a few days, you should be able to figure out what times suit you best for different tasks. 

For example, if you’re an early bird who’s up and at ‘em before most people have had their first coffee, getting your most creative and challenging tasks out of the way first might be a good idea. If you notice you’re not particularly pleasant first thing in the morning, scheduling client meetings and creative work a little bit later in the day would suit you better. That’s the beauty of being a freelancer—you can work when it suits you. 

Try it out: Spend a couple of days actively observing when you feel most energised and motivated to get your work done. Try to complete different types of tasks at different times to see if that makes a difference to your overall productivity.

2. Prioritise your tasks like a pro

Making a plan is absolutely key when it comes to freelance time management—but to be clear, a scribbled to-do list on a heart-shaped Post-It is not a plan. Of course, to-do lists have their place, and plenty of us would feel lost without one, but it’s important that you know how to use them wisely. 

If you’re just writing everything you need to get done on one big, long list, it’s going to feel scary and overwhelming. Urgent tasks will get lost amongst the never-ending checklist, and you’ll likely end up heading straight to Procrastination Station. 

To avoid that happening, try using the Eisenhower Matrix. If you haven’t heard of this method before, it’s all about categorising and prioritising items on your to-do list. It’s essentially a box with four quadrants: Urgent, Not Urgent, Important, and Not Important. Each of your tasks will fit into one of these categories, helping you decide what to prioritise first. For example, if a task is both urgent and important, focus on that one first. If a task is not urgent and not important, well, it shouldn’t be on your list in the first place. 

Try it out: Next time you’re making your to-do list, use the Eisenhower Matrix to categorise your tasks and figure out what to tackle first.

3. Up your tech game

There’s never been a better time to go out on your own, given that some of the best freelancer time management apps are now widely available. There are apps to help you with everything you need to be productive and manage your time more effectively, including time tracking software, online to-do lists, and even comprehensive project management platforms.

Some of the most popular apps for freelancers include time tracking tools like Toggl and Harvest (perfect for those freelancers who charge by the hour) and online to-do list aids like Todoist or TickTick. If you’re working in a wider team or there are a lot of moving parts, you absolutely can’t go past a decent project management app like Asana or Trello

When it comes to technology and time management, once you’ve used one app, you’ll want to try more to maximise your productivity. Even if you’re used to doing things the old-fashioned way, you’ll soon see why other freelancers are raving about apps like these when it comes to helping them spend more time doing the work they love.

Try it out: Sign up for one app or platform you think will benefit you the most and give it a go! Many are free if you just want the basics, and the paid ones usually have a trial period so you can see if it’s right for you before signing up.

4. Don’t forget to take breaks!

Taking a break from your tasks is one of the best things you can do for your productivity. It helps you to see things more objectively, and it can lead to increased creativity (we’ve all had that lightbulb moment in the shower!).

Generally, very busy freelancers often fall into one of two categories—the work non-stop and burnout category or the procrastinate and binge-watch TV category. Taking breaks helps both camps manage their time more effectively, but it needs to be done right.

The Pomodoro Technique is a great place to start if you need to avoid burnout or procrastination. This method is pretty simple: for every 25 minutes you work, you take a 5-minute break. For the overworkers, this helps you get the work done, but it also reminds you to pause every so often. For the procrastinators, it helps you break your work into more manageable chunks and enables you to take a break without falling into distraction for the rest of the day.

Try it out: Try the Pomodoro Technique for yourself and see if it helps you feel more rested and focused. You could also schedule your breaks in your calendar to help them become part of your daily routine.

Now that you’ve got some time management tools in your arsenal, it’s time to get to work. Conduct a little self-assessment to see when you work best, create a solid to-do list that gives you back the control, download a time tracking app, and then head out for a much-needed break. Who knows, maybe you’ll make it to the beach this time.

We’d love to hear about which time management tips and tricks work best for you as a freelancer, so feel free to reach out and let us know!

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