5 min read

Getting to know - Emily Woolerton

Written by
Aiman Kabetenova
Published on
August 25, 2022

Tell us a bit about yourself, what's your background?

I’m based in the beautiful Mount Maunganui in the Bay of Plenty, which is a great spot for inspiration and adventure! I’m a designer and illustrator as Calico Studio.

Tell us about your journey as a freelancer.

I’ve been working in the creative industry for about six years now, and love every minute of it. I was part of the team at Hunter Studio (an incredible creative media team in Papamoa), and then launched my own graphic design business as Calico. Over the past few years I’ve worked with a range of awesome people and projects, especially in brand identity development and consumer goods. 

What is the personal or freelance project you are most proud of? Why?

Sage and Grace are a local cake-maker who have developed Cake Kits that allow you to make their cakes at home! I helped them to develop their brand and packaging, and it’s been awesome seeing how well it’s been received. They’re now stocked in stores all around the country, and are constantly approached by new vendors who want to get involved. 

What would you say is the most rewarding part of being a freelancer?

It’s so special to work alongside businesses from day one to launch, to help them capture their message and communicate it really well. I absolutely love being a part of this journey, and it’s so rewarding to see my input help people so tangibly. 

What is the most challenging part of running a freelancing business?

I’ve found that the most challenging part is niching down. Because design is such a broad industry, there were a whole range of projects offered that sounded really interesting but put my fingers in too many pies. Learning when to say yes and when to connect the client with someone else has been great!

What has worked best for you when it comes to finding new clients?

Clients come from a variety of places! A lot are referrals from great people and past clients. Unicorn Factory is such a valuable asset too, to connect with clients and projects that are outside of my current networks. 

What advice would you give anyone wanting to start freelancing?

Great comms are key! People from outside your industry may have no idea of how your processes and services work, and they’ll really appreciate you communicating your approach well. 

How can we learn more about you and your work?

You can head over to my website, or connect on Instagram @_calicostudio

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